Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 28

"The weather was cloudy and it was warm."

"We were in the mud trying to get all of the logs out. All of my body got covered in mud."
"I found a slug. I think it was alive."
"We were working on a different bridge."
"It was an ABC piano."

"Mrs. Hull was warming up LOTS of glove because the gloves were all wet."

"Me and my buddy were cleaning off the bridge. I was smashing the ice with my stick."

"I was trying to break the snow and ice off of the bridge and move it down on the mud. It was very slippery."

"The other bridge was unstable, so we were trying to make the other bridge more stable. We are making a bridge on top of the bridge."

"We are making the bridge more stable."

"We were climbing the tree to make sure the tree was ok because it had pneumonia."
"We fixed the tree by giving it medicine from a special stick."

"We were making apple crisp. I had to cut apples and slice them up."

"We were peeling and cutting up the apples."

"We made apple crisp by peeling the apples and cutting them up."

"It was gooood and sweet."
"We were eating the apple crisp."

"We were doing an ABC hunt and we had to find things that had the beginning sounds of the ABC's"

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