Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21

"Some little squirrel came and ate our pine cones."

"I found a little bug shell."

"Me and my friends were sleeping."

"I was looking for stuff at my sit spot."

"Me and my friend were cleaning off the fire wood."

"I was sitting. I just wanted to sit."

"Miss Skilling was putting up hammocks and we were waiting to go in them."

"I was laying in the hammock trying to take a nap.

"I was laying in the hammock and it felt comfortable and you could wrap up in and take a nap."

"Me and Ms. Rasco were having a really long conversation."

"We were doing the obstacle course and we had to go around the tree and jump over the stick."

"We builded an obstacle course and we got to walk on a stick for a balance beam and then we went under a stick and then we went over a stick and then we went on a stick that was on a piece of wood and then we spun around a tree three times and then we did it all again."

"This is the tippy bridge.....a lever!"

"At the end, we had to jump over the curved stick."

"We were playing tic tac toe and no one won. You have to try to get three in a row. I used pine cones and my friend used evergreens."

"I was trying to get three in a row. I used sticks and my friend was bark."

"I was painting the beach."

"I made a pokemon ball and a water slide."

"I was trying to paint a human."

"I painted a blue sun and I put little dots around it with blue circles."

"I was feeling to feel if this was pokey because we were trying to find something pokey."

"I got it all finished. It was really hard to hear and listen to find everything. The thorn wasn't hard to find."

"We were trying hear the wind blow."

"We made hot dogs and pig in a blanket."

"I liked it!"

"I loved all of it!"

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