Thursday, January 21, 2016

Finally, Fluffy Snow!

"We were walking to the woods and we were going to sit down in the woods.  There were different tracks where we went"
"And the path was snowy and slippery!"

"I was laying in my sit spot.  I saw evergreens."
"Some friends made snow angels."
"The clouds were moving."

"They were making an igloo."
"I was rebuilding."

"I got a stick and I wrote HI in the snow."
"Friends were pretending that the big stick was a horse."

"We were trying to make a teepee."
"We were using sticks and rope."
"They tried to tie it up, but it was breaking."

"We were plowing the snow with shovels."
"We were pretending to be trucks."
"We used the shovels to put snow on the igloos and it was really fun."

"This thing I had to climb up was I climbed up on a log and my teacher took a picture of us.  I got down and let other friends try to climb up.  I helped them get up."
"We were climbing a giant stump."
"I'm holding the stick."
"A friend was playing a game with us and then after the picture, and then friends wanted a turn so he helped me get on and then I slide off by myself.  Everyone was saying they could do it themselves."

"We were putting a stick into the water and we were all sledding down the hill."
"I was climbing up the hill and then after a friend went down the hill I was going to go down."

"We sledded down this big hill and we were trying to get up and then the teachers had to help us."

"Friends builded a sled out of sticks and for the breaks on the sled we made a little tree stump in the back on it and then we tried it out, but it didn't work."
"They kept trying to fix it when they were trying to test it."

"We were making hot chocolate in the woods."
"The pot melted into the snow because it was so hot and I gave everyone some hot chocolate.  I loved the hot chocolate because it seemed like it was really hot, but it wasn't really hot.  I just seemed like it was looking really hot because it was winter time."
"The stuff that comes above the pot is steam."
"It was so good!  It was amazing!"

"We were sledding down the hill and this is when we tested our sled."
"We were sledding down the hill on our bottoms."
"I was a little nervous at first, but then I was happy."
"We tested the sled and it didn't go well."
"We were sliding on the snow on our bum bums." 

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