Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 24

"I was waiting and listening to the birds."

"My mom and I found a centipede skeleton."

"We made the letters of my name out of sticks."

"I found a piece of bark that had some yellow mushrooms and some white mushrooms, and I called it art."

"We were going across the logs."
'We were making sure the water was clean."

"I climbing across a log."
"I wasn't on the log.  I was moving a stick that would knock you off of the log bridge.  And then the branch broke."

"I was climbing on the log to get over to the other side."

"We were climbing up the hill."

"I built something near my sit spot.  It's a little cabin."

"My mom was helping us walk across the big birch tree."

"I was helping to set up the hammocks."

"I'm in the hammock!"

"I was pretending that I was driving a car.  And it was a GMC Tundra."

"I was asking one of my friends to move over.  We had a gem rock in the fort to power up the place."

"We were swinging.  My friends and I were swinging, and all of us together were too heavy.  When we backed up, my friend fell off."

"I needed to get things from the fort."

"I was hiding from my mom."

"I was making clay art."

"We were making clay.  We put things like acorns and stones on the clay, and then we used a rolling pin to smooth them on the clay.  Then we pulled them off and made designs." 

"We were making circles and putting nature materials on there like stones, rocks, leaves and branches from the trees.  I used a pointy stick to make a nose and a mouth."
"My clay was super big so I added a lot of stuff."

"We were reading a book about the Lorax cleaning the earth."

"The Lorax was cleaning the earth, and the book asked questions because it was a learning book.  We talked about it too."

"I was drawing nature that we found on the walk that we went on."

"Me and my mom were trying to draw a leaf."

"Mrs. Hull made grilled cheese for us!"
"It was so yummy!"

"We were eating lunch."

"I was eating my grilled cheese without the crust because I don't like crust."

"My Daddy was having lunch with me!"
"My Mom was having lunch with me too!"
"My Dad was helping me do good work."

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