Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Wet and Icy Morning

"We weren't walking on the stairs because the stairs were slippery.  It was wet outside, and cold and icy."

"We're walking down into the woods."

"The bridge was icy because it was raining and it was cold out."
"It needs to be 32 degrees to freeze water."

"There were bubbles.  The water was bumping down the tree and making little bubbles."

"We ran a couple of laps because we were cold and we had to warm up."

"I made a seat with sticks.  There were two fallen trees and I decided to put on a lot of sticks.  It rocked a little bit."

"We are eating snack in our shelter because the benches were wet.  It rained and then it got cold and the ice got on the benches."

"We were playing and our faces got dirty and our clothes got dirty and wet."

"I saw a tree with water.  The water was on the tree and going down the tree.  It was beautiful."

"They are trying to protect a triangle ice."
"We were covering the big chunk of ice and pretending it was a crystal for the game.  Then we broke it in to pieces so that everyone could have one."

"We were doing hula hoops so that we could keep warm."

"We were making a fortress."
"It was in my sit spot.  We were trying to make a fortress so that the rain wouldn't hit me."
"We didn't finish it."
"I took a short stick, and made hole because that's what I needed to do.  Then I took a big stick and hit it, and it broke the long stick."

"We are in my fortress.  My friends and I made it and then I went with my dad and sister and we made it more.  It has a little hole that you can see and it's camouflage."
*Later in the day a student hid in this fort while playing camouflage.

"She said she was going to hibernate."

"I was building a little hut for the fairies to go in if the fairies' wings get wet and they need to dry off.  If they need to keep safe from other animals they can go in there."

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