Wednesday, May 15, 2019

May 15

"I was playing with a tree.  When I played with it, I saw a slug on it."

"I found a leave and it looks like a Christmas tree."

"Me and my friend were making soup.  It was really fun.  And my other friend was making kitty food.  It was really funny!"

"I made a cake and my friend added candles."

"I was digging in the dirt."

"We were playing cops and robbers.  I was pretending to customize myself.  I put a fake mustache on so that he wouldn't recognize me, and the I ran.  My backs hurts so I couldn't run so fast, so they put me in jail."

"This is my friend's bird horse.  He added pine cones and leaves for the kitchen, and bark for beds.  He used seeds for the food."

"I was in my tent hiding.  I made the tent with my dad last time."

"This was my cooking space."
"I made cupcake soup."

"Those are the ice creams cones.  They were cooking over the fire."

"We were putting string on our sticks for our journey sticks."

"I was doing my stick journey, and I found a piece of wood and it was blue!"

"I was putting some stuff on my stick."

"I had my stick and I put a little leave that I found on the ground on it."

"The teachers were cooking hotdogs for lunch."

"We were making our journey sticks."

"In the woods I had a cookie lunch-able.  It was a chocolate chip lunch-able."
"We were eating lunch."

"I was eating my ice cream cone with chocolate, marshmallows, bananas and strawberries.  It was all melty and got on my face."

"I was eating the cone treat and it tasted good.  I had a funny face."

"I was eating my goodie snack.  Me and my friend were behind a tree."

"Me and my friend were balancing on the tree and the bench."

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