Thursday, April 4, 2019

April 3

"It looked like a milk weed but it wasn't.  It flies away and makes a new plant."

"I climbed up my sit spot."

"My sit spot was all dried up."
"There was no snow or ice on his sit spot."

"We were getting a leaf out of the water, so that the water can go down."
"I as trying to use the big stick to fish, but I actually fell in."

"We grabbed sticks and then we pretended to go fishing."

"I was climbing all the way up the tree, so see if I could see pretend leaf fish.  It was super fun!"

"I made this at my sit spot.  I used bark, wood, branches and another branch."

"We were down at the stream, and we found 'history'.  It was a bunch of old stuff."

"There was water coming out of a pipe."

"I was making a fort with my friends, and it was really fun.  For decorations, I put some white mushrooms on top."

"We were building a fort and we had to move a big stick.  Then I found a lot more sticks."

"I was trying to balance on the log."

"We were back down at the stream.  We were all looking salamanders."

"We were helping to make hot dogs."

"We were making 'chocolate milk', and we were making mud snow pie."

"I had a big Y stick."

"We were eating lunch."
"We had hot dogs that were super yummy."

"We got sap from the trees."
"We cooked it in a pot, and then all of friends came back to drink some maple syrup, but it wan't maple syrup.  We called it sap tea.  Some people liked it and some people didn't."

"I thought it was yummy!"

"I loved it too much."


" I loved it!"
" I didn't really like it."

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