Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25

"We were carrying wood down from the wood pile, so that we could burn it and use it for a fire."

"We were carrying wood.  We accidentally knocked our friend's fort over."

"At my sit spot I found a toad and it was hibernating."
"On the bottom it was yellow."

"I was drinking from the sky, so that I could get some water because I was really really thirsty."

"I wanted to get my face wet.  When I opened my eyes and closed them back up a big water drop fell onto my eye lid." 

"I dropped one log and I couldn't get it back uo."

"There were plants starting to grow."

"We were fishing in the mud."

"I didn't catch anything."

"I was making mud."

"Me and my friend saw a baby salamander, and it was lost.  We found it under a log, and it didn't have any of its family with it."

"We were checking on the toad."

"I was the Lorax: "I speak for the trees!"'

"Me and my friend made a balance beam.  It was resting on a tree and went to the ground.  We got more sticks, but when I stepped on it, it broke down."

"I was in the tree."

"I was climbing the tree."

"Mrs. Hull had to help me from the gooey, gooey, gooey mud!"

"I was building a wall out of dirt so all of the water wouldn't come down."

"I have a worm on my boot!"

"We had to get washed off."

"Ms. Rasco was cleaning me off, by putting water in her hands and splashing me."

More cleaning fun.

"I was sitting on the bridge."

Happy Rainy Day Faces!

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