Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 8

"There are no leaves!"

"I was climbing on a tree in my sit spot."

"We were digging for burried treasure."

"We were digging for treasure using shovels."

"I was digging a big hole.  We were making a circle hole to connect to each hole."

"I punched a hole through.  Then they were connected."

"We were walking on the log and we were jumping off of it."
"When we jumped off it, we climbed back on."

"We made an obstacle course.  We're going under the stick."

"I was spinning around a part of our obstacle course, and it was really fun!"

"We were playing 'splash and leap' (aka Jump the River).  We were having fun and that's what matters."

"I won the round.  I tried to not get in the river, so I did a big jump."

"We celebrated Miss L's birthday!"

"We were playing 'predator and prey'.  Some of us got to be the predators and some of us were the prey."
"The predators were trying to get the prey."
"Some prey were deer or mice, and the bobcats or eagles tried to get them to eat them.  Once they got close, they tried to tag them.

More predator and prey fun.

"We played camouflage, and we started in a group, and then someone counted and we went to hide so they couldn't find us.  If they find you, they call your name and you have to go back to the circle."

"We played coyote cache."
"Someone is the coyote and they're trying to not let the person get the thing, and they try to tag people."

Coyote Cache

"During free choice some of us decided to play 'splash'"
"We used a stick to scrape the ground to make the lines.  Then more people joined the game.  Some people splashed and some people didn't"

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