Wednesday, November 2, 2016

October 26

"There is more of the sky."
"The sky is more opened because there aren't that many leaves."

"I was sitting in my sit spot."
"She has her snow pants and jacket on. It is colder out."

"I thought I was finding a big salamander in the log."
"We are looking under a log for a spider."

"We were trying to look for spiders and then we found a snail shell."
"My friend found a snail shell under the log."

"There was a puppet show happening and we were sitting in a line to see them. The spiders were talking and bears."
"There was a jumping spider."

"There is the little otter right there."
"My daddy was in the puppet show."

"We found a web in a wood pile."

"There's a web right with those three pieces of wood."
"We just saw a web."

"There was a big spider on my friends leg. And then it went on Ms. Karen."

"We had to go in the middle to pretend to be a spider and then my friends mom would point to someone on the outside and they were pretending to be the food (on the web.)"

"We are grating the cheese for mac and cheese."

"We were eating the mac and cheese."
"It was yummy in my tummy, tummy."

"I was shaking the tree to try and get leaves off."

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