Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 6th

"We're getting ready to go down to the woods."
"We're singing The Forest is a Wonderful Place."

"I was walking to find dirt under the leaves."
"The ground is half snowy and half leaves."

"I found a tiny flower under a log."
"Friends are eating their snack and trying to warm up by the fire."
"Me and my friend were playing a karate game and we were pretending to chop the sticks."

"We went on a hunt for some tracks and we some cat, weasel and grey squirrel tracks."

"I was helping Ms. Soule with the hot chocolate.  I counted all of the cups and she poured it in."

"I was writing words with Ms. S."

"My friends and me were trying to get the rest of this stump down."
"We used sticks with pointy ends."
"We were digging holes down and one student dug a hole down and through, and then my stick and his stick met because we were digging the same way."

"My friends and me were playing Mrs. Wishy-Wahsy and each of us were characters."

What could have scratched this tree?

"I was pretending a pair of sticks were crutches."

"I was playing bakery with my friends."

"I was pretending that I was a sloth because that's my favorite animal.  So I pretended on a branch."

"We found tracks on our way into the woods, and I think they might be turkey tracks."

"We think they're little mouse tracks because there was a little tail dragging."
"The tracks led into the log."

"We were telling stories.  We were telling about our families."

"I was laying on the tree while I was trying to read my list of things to do (on the bark)"

"We were climbing a big stump and jumping off it."

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