Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Change is in the Air...

"The leaves of the canopy are changing colors."
"The leaves are falling."

"The leaves are on the ground.  They are changing colors."

"The leaves are changing from green to the different colors of fall."
"There's more room to play, because the sticks moved.  We moved them to make our path."
"There are more leaves on the ground."

"These leaves have already fallen."

"The kids are pointing to really small holes."
"We think that maybe a woodpecker, a coyote's claws, termites, worms. spiders, or ants could have made the holes."

"This girl is sitting at her sit spot on a log."

"We found pink stuff on a dead piece of wood that was turning white."
"It was peoples' favorite color and it looked like paint."
"We used some sticks to paint with it on the same dead log and on other trees."

When we came back inside, we looked it up.
It's called wolf's milk slime.
It grows on dead wood.
It grows from June to November.

"A pretty leaf!"

"We were playing that this was a sea-saw."

"We are walking to our benches in the woods."

"I was carrying a long stick with my shirt."

"We are reading a book called Not a Stick."
"Sometimes the stick was a sword, fishing pole, a spear or a paint brush."

"We were lining the path of the trail.  We were carrying a log."
"We had to do teamwork!"

"The pathway."
"We were pushing a log to line the path"

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