"The shelter was different, It is kind of shaped like a triangle. When the rain goes on top, it will slide down off the other side, and the snow, so it won't drop."
"It looks like a ramp in the back."
"It looks like a jump because the back end is down and the front end is up."
"There's a space for fire wood."
Two students' fathers helped to build the new structure. THANK YOU!!! |
"I'm laying down looking at the sky. When I looked up I saw birds. When I looked down I saw something that looked like a bed. It was a big pile of leaves. That's why I'm laying down." |
"I'm sitting in my sit spot." |
This week we learned three new games: 'Bear, Salmon, Mosquito', 'Coyote Cache' and 'Jump the Creek'. They were all very fun!
"We're playing a game called 'Bear, Salmon, Mosquito' and we were planning to be a fish or bear. We were huddling up so that the other group wouldn't know what we were." |
"We lined up and faced each other. Then we said our animal, and one team would chase the other if they were the animal that ate the other animal."
"Bear beats fish because bear eats fish. Fish beat mosquito because fish eat mosquitos." |
"The person guarded the ribbon, and two people went in at once and tried to get the flag."
"It's called Coyote Cache. We were trying to get the things from between the people's legs. And one student is running towards the person that is protecting it. It's a really, really, really fun game...like 100 reallys."
"We're trying to get the orange thing and the student is trying to tag us when we try to get it." |
"This is Coyote cache. Me and my friend are trying to get it away from him. Whoever gets it wins."
"You have three lives, and if someone tags you have 2 and if you get tagged again then you have 1 and if you get tagged again you have none and you don't get to play, but the others do. But then the games starts again."
"If you get the bandana then you win and you're the coyote." |
"She's making a wind measuring tool."
"She's putting green things on the stick. They are are going to blow."
"It's a wind gauge." |
"The wind gauge blew when the wind was blowing. The paper blew. When the wind was not blowing, the paper can't blow. It just settles down and does nothing. When there's a gentle wind, the paper blows gentle." |
"We are going back to our benches and we're sitting next to the partner we were with when we were using the wind gauges." |
We also had two more offerings...
Jump the Creek:
"First the creek was small, but every time it kept getting bigger. We were using jump ropes for the sides of the river. You had to jump over the creek. When the river was really big, we fell a lot. If you got your feet wet, you'd have to get on your back and shake feet to dry them."
Billy Goats Gruff:
"People went under the bridge and they were trolls. There were billy goats too. Ms. R read the book and we acted it out. Then we acted it out ourselves."
"When we crossed the bridge we said trip trap trip trap or something. The troll said 'who's on my bridge?'"